
Between 2012 to 2018, MAGNET organized six annual workshops and one mini-workshop. MAGNET trainees and faculty from across Canada gathered together for an intensive week of technical training, fieldwork, networking, and professional development. Each time, the workshop featured a different theme, format, and location, as well as guest speakers from industry, government, and academia. Trainees participated in lab tours of world-class facilities, implemented hands-on activities and geochemical experiments in the field, and explored over 4 billion years of Earth history – from ancient rocks of the Canadian Shield and Beartooth Mountains (USA) to active lava flows in Hawaii. These workshops redefined trainee and PI perspectives on teaching and learning, leading to unique and powerful training outcomes, and were one of the most successful and enjoyable parts of the program, as they fostered advanced training, collaborations, and friendships that guarantee MAGNET a strong and sustainable future.

Click the links below to read about our workshops!

1st Annual Workshop    Vancouver 2013

2nd Annual Workshop   California 2014

Mini-Workshop             Vancouver 2014

3rd Annual Workshop    Ottawa 2015

4th Annual Workshop    Montana/Wyoming 2016

5th Annual Workshop    Kingston 2017

6th Annual Workshop    Hawaii 2018